The Legend of the Forgotten Ballad
A downloadable game
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Listen, kid. The Enemy power is growing again. This old world had survived many calamities. Our people are few, simple and, scared. It gives us hope to see you with all that courage. You can fight back if you find those relics and forgotten songs buried in old ruins.
But it's dangerous to go alone, gather your friends and take this with you.
This is a minimalist Tabletop RPG inspired by The Legend of Zelda series. It was first designed for the RPGLatam monthly jam.
In this pamphlet
- Super simple rules to run the game
- Character creation in 4 simple steps
- Framework to design Zelda-like dungeons
- Original illustrations
- Extra: Dungeon Layout Generator
💚 Special thanks to Hanna, Alê and all RPGLatam community
Status | Released |
Category | Physical game |
Rating | Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars (75 total ratings) |
Author | coolwayink |
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Click download now to get access to the following files:
ForgottenBallad-digital.pdf 6.1 MB
ForgottenBallad-Pamphlet-A4_bw.pdf 3.2 MB
ForgottenBallad-Pamphlet-A4_colors.pdf 2.9 MB
ForgottenBallad.md 3.7 kB
Development log
- New version on CrowdfundrFeb 10, 2023
- Monsters aproachingOct 24, 2022
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Hello, I really like the game and I've seen some premade adventures you've made for the game. I know there is a more developed version of the game, so my question is do the adventures work for the smaller, pamphlet version as well? (I haven't actually had a proper look at the adventures)
Hey! Thanks for the comment And yeah, you can probably run the adventures just with the pamphlet!
The other version has more optional rules, but its major parts are monsters and tables to create content for the game.
Have good songs and adventures!
Thanks! I’ve had a look at the ‘Inside the Manta Goddess’ adventure and I would really appreciate some advice for how to alter the monster stats to apply for the pamphlet rules.
They are actually compatible. But I’ll be glad to answer any question
oh thanks. Now that you mention it I didn’t really see that! Thanks again
Cara, simplesmente amei o trabalho, parabéns! O sistema é simples e cativante, com rolagens em d6, que é acessÃvel a todo o público dentro e fora da esfera do RPG, sem contar que a temática central é algo que assim... eu simplesmente amo, que é música e instrumentos musicais, etc. Preciso nem falar nada sobre a arte. Simplesmente sensacional. Gostei muito. Tanto que eu adaptei essa versão aqui para um booklet para meu uso pessoal. Gosto muito do formato booklet, além de ser charmosinho você carregar ele.
Traduzi para o português e diagramei para simplesmente deixar "print and play" (nesse caso "print, glue and play").
Se eu puder compartilhar com vocês de alguma forma, gostaria que vissem.
Desde já quero dizer que já virei fã de vocês. Valeu!
Poxa, que delÃcia ler teu comentário! Valeu mesmo por todo esse carinho 💚 Quero muito ver como ficou sua versão. Se puder, me procura no discord: coolwayink
Obrigado novamente e ótimas canções!
Show! Mandei convite por lá. O perfil está como "kel".
Só passando para dizer que adorei o seu trabalho! Fiz o download do panfleto e imprimi, ficou muito lindo! Gostei tanto que fiz a pesquisa e acabei de comprar a versão completa lá no site da Luz Negra. Parabéns pelo trabalho! Realmente ótimo!
Poxa, muito obrigado! Feliz demais que curtiu.
Valeu pelo apoio 💚
Hey !
It's a very nice and simple ruleset that I am eager to try. That's also nice for beginners, and should work for kids since ther is no compliated math involved.
If by any chance you were looking for some translations, I can do it in french ! (I would like to share it with friends who are not as proficient in english than I am)
It's rather short so that should not take too long.
Hey Clem! Thanks for your comment and nice words. I wrote this game with kids in mind so it’s nice to hear your impressions.
I’ll try to fund a version with more content this February. We can think about a french version as well :)
I discovered this after reading your reddit post about Goin' Goblin, please notify me if you release the paperback version.
Thanks! I'm planning a expanded-y version pretty soon
I'm not sure how combat work. My instinct tells me the intent would be that if you attack and fail, you take damage (instead of players rolling, then monsters rolling) but if you could clarify that, that'd be nice 🙂.
Also, from your experience (or others here), how much hearts for a boss?
Hey, thanks for the comment!
I like to describe how the enemy are trying to hit the players and let them describe how they are avoiding it (so they can use positioning, group tactics and items to gain more dice). And them I let them make their attacks in the same way. And unless their are surprised, players always go first.
For bosses I use 4 to 7 hearts.
But as always, feel free to adapt as you see fit. Hope you have fun!
Thanks for the quick reply! Ok but it's still not clear to me, when the players attack in melee and miss, do they generally get hurt (like in Troika for exemple)? If not, how do you resolve monster attacks?
I kinda give the monster a turn, but is the players that roll to defend. If they fail to defend they take damage. This way I can give the monsters unique combat styles and give the players opportunity to be creative both attacking and defending. To give an exemple:
Gamera and Bowie are exploring a cave when they see a bat-like creature light in flame flying in they direction. I ask "what you guys do?" the Bowie player decides to use a slingshot and wait until the last minute to take the shot, I give her two extra dices, one for the weapon use and another for the time take to aim, but I ask her to roll after Gamera's action. Gamera's player says that she'll throw rocks and scream to attract the bat for her (+2 dices).
Bowie miss her shot, but Gamera manage to get the bats attention. The creature screams and the flames grows around it, "How are you going to defend yourself Gamera?". Her player says "I'm going stand my ground and use my shield to block the creature attack", I'll give her 2 extra dice. She fails on the roll and takes 2 damage setting part of her clothes on fire.
Then I go around the players again asking what they are going to do until the combat resolves.
Hope this helps! :)
Thanks a lot, I'll keep in touch how it goes :)
me lembro de ter uma versao em portugues ou era impressao minha? msm assim, otimo material para se jogar
Pra esse eu acabei não lançando versão em PT. Pelo que senti até então a procura é bem baixa :(
Beautiful design and simple rules.
Thanks <3
I have a friend who loves the Zelda series and has just started getting into D&D. I will most certainly be running this for them! Excellent work!
Hope you guys have fun. Good adventures!
Absolutely love your game! Can't wait to play it with my friends.
And I wanted to ask if I could use core rolling mechanics from it and base rolling for my game on them. With credit, of course.
Glad you like it!
Feel free to use it whatever you want :)
Parabéns! Muito legal o conceito, a arte e as mecânicas que você criou, especialmente a simplicidade, tornado esse tipo de jogo acessÃvel!
Fico muito feliz de ler isso, Leo! Valeu!
Heyyyy I just saw this and was very curious about what game it is, can someone tell me?
Its a TabletopRPG, one player acts as a narrator and rule keeper for several players
Thanks! :D
This is a gem!
The text and the illustrations are so evocative, it's just very well done!
Btw. I noticed that in the digital pdf version, the defense mechanic is described as follows:
So, when a character is hit,
subtract their DEFENSE value from the DEFENSE.
The second DEFENSE should be DAMAGE according to the pamphlets.
Thank you!
And thanks for telling me, I'll update the digital version ASAP
I don't know why, but brazilians have the power from birth to create great TTRPGs.
Saludos desde España.
Really really flattered . Gracias!
I have a doubt, is the game intended to be played as a Mind Theater or a with a grid and minis? I'm playing this Sunday and I need to know it in order to prep.
I usually play it in theater of mind letting the players draw that maps as I describe. When needed we do some sketches to help visualize.
But feel free to play as you like really.
Have a nice game!
I'll love to hear how it went :)
Aaaaa, sempre bom ver BR fazendo jogo!
Estou pra mestrar pras minhas amigas gringas, e to adorando fazer monstros, dungeons e puzzles a partir das mecanicas.
Pfvr diz que você planeja fazer mais coisas pra esse jogo? *-*
Oi, Nana! Quero esse play report na minha mesa assim asap hahaha
Estou planejando um suplemento com um monte de coisas que cortei do panfleto. Deve aparecer algo nas próximas semanas.
Obrigado pelo carinho 💚
There is nothing here I don't love.
What a great idea...
E desbrir que é jogo de um outro BR... LINDO!
Hehe! Tamo junto 💚
I absolutely adore this and will show it to a friend who I know wants to do a Zelda Game.
Do you have any advice for balancing "Powers", as well as Monsters and Items?
Jogo massa, vou jogar com meu filho usando as miniaturas e mapas do Arcadia Quest. Uma pergunta: O que acontece quando o herói tem Defesa 1 (devido ao uso de armadura) e enfrenta um inimigo que causa apenas 1 de dano? Ele fica imune ao ataque?
Oi, Alisson! Muito obrigado
Exatamente, ele ficaria imune ao dano. O que eu faço é, depois de um tempo, esses inimigos aparecem atacando simultaneamente hahaha
Interessante. A solução poderia ser a piora do posicionamento ficcional, com uma falha você ficaria correria um risco maior (a criatura golpeando sem parar sobre você) que o deixaria exposto a um dano pior (+1 de dano). Massa!
Quando eu jogar postarei umas fotos com feedback pra você. Adorei as ilustras do panfleto. O jogo merece ser expandido, com canções, poderes e relÃquias (pra ser sincero estou pensando em fazer isso, posso produzir algum material pra ele?).
Hey, I've been reading the panphlet and the game looks very promising, but I've a question. Is it suitable for solo play? Because I don't have a group right now but I'm very interested on playing this game. Thanks in advance.
Hey, thanks for the comment!
I think you might be able to play it solo, but you’ll gonna need a oracle for it. I got some extra material that I planning to launch soon. Hope it helps GMs and solo players
Then I'll wait, the game itself is great and if the suplement is going to be usefull for solo players I'll definitely check it out.
Hello! My company Bloat Games is creating an RPG Monster Manual Zine inspired by The Legend of Zelda called Overworld. It'll be going up on Kickstarter later this month. In doing promotion for it, someone asked if it was for Forgotten Ballad. I hate to admit, but I wasn't familiar with your game. However, now that I have checked it out, it is wonderful! You did an excellent job. The graphic design, illustrations, mechanics, and writing are all stellar. You should really be proud of what you created. Anyways, just wanted to let you know. Thanks for making awesome games! - Eric from Bloat Games
Wow, I'm really flattered. Thanks a lot!
I tried to put all the love for the Zelda series and RPGs into this project. So it's awesome to read this.
Let me know when you publish your KS!
Thanks, Eric 💚
Not Eric, but the KS mentioned is currently ongoing and has a system neutral version as well.
Thank you! I hadn't made it back, yet. :)
Just an FYI: I featured Forgotten Ballad in a Kickstarter Update today. Hopefully that will drive some folks your way. :)
Overworld - Tabletop RPG Monster Manual Zines by Eric Bloat » Day 6 - 291% Funded, 124 Backers - SURVIVE THIS!! Core Rules Bundle - the Legend of the Forgotten Ballad — Kickstarter
Hi! This little game is so very cool! Thank you for making and sharing it with us. I do have a question, though: Since task resolution requires 6s on a small pool of D6, aren't the probabilities of success kind of low? I went and took a look through probability calculators and, under the best possible conditions, heroes only have a 55% chance to accomplish things. I've got a few alternate mechanics in mind to make the heroes more success-prone, but wanted to ask about design notes and intentions first.
Hi, Nintaku! I’m really glad you like it 💚
About the dice checks: yeah they are challenging (maybe a little to much), but the ideia is use it only in really risky situations. My hope was that it will make players think more tactically about their actions and in case dice roll is need they’ll plan and try their best to raise their chances.
I saw some people using success on 5s or 6s, or even partial success on 5s. Tbh I need to test a little more to adjust and I tend to like my games a little more dangerous, but feel free to increase the range of success or size of the pool! It might feel more Zeldaish
Let me know if you tested it and how it went!
Thanks a lot 💚
Muito foda a apresentação! Gostei muito do sistema de dungeon
Poxa, valeu demais! Fico feliz que tenha curtido, o sistema de dungeon é minha parte preferida do trabalho
I'm an absolute fan of the Zelda series in video games, not only for their wonderful gameplay but also for the aesthetics it has managed to impose over the decades: so it's not surprising that a number of role-playing games try to emulate this very special atmosphere. This is done with more or less success, because what works in video games does not always work well in RPGs. And yet, this little game is probably the most convincing attempt in this field: by limiting itself to a few salient features, by focusing the game on dungeon exploration "Ã la Zelda" (with the quotation marks and spaces that this implies), in short by keeping its proposition modest, it succeeds in my eyes where many other more ambitious things fail.
wow thanks a lot!
While designing it I found out that the systems in Zelda are actually pretty simple. And for me, what is really characteristic is the atmosphere, the sense of exploration, the present puzzle design from NPCs to monsters and dungeons, and of course it’s singular aesthetic.
But yeah, if I would expand this game in any way will be with guidance on how to run and material to build and populate the world.
I’m really glad you like it 💚
I love this!
It's short and sweet.
There are, however, some grammatical errors. If you want, I can help with editing!
Thanks a lot!
And sure, I'll appreciate your suggestions for the text <3
Page 2
The first word, "Listen" you don't need the L, because the stylized green L is already there. So it looks like you have "LListen." Instead, have the stylized green L and then "isten" and it works
Page 2
The Enemy's power is growing again. This old world has survived many calamities. Our people are few, simple, and scared. It gives us hope to see that you have much courage. You can fight back if you find the lost relics and forgotten songs buried in the old ruins. But it's dangerous to go alone, gather your friends and take this with you.
On the Create your Hero Section, did you mean "All adventurers have humble beginnings."???
Page 3
When heroes take a risky action or do something with an
unclear outcome, their player rolls a 1d6 and:
Page 4
Heroes can carry up to 12 items: 6 are equipped items such as weapons, armor, a shield, and worn items. And 6 are items held in belts and backpacks.
These are rare and usually kept as family heirlooms.Equipment used for protection has a DEFENSE value, usually 1. This represents the amount of DAMAGE reduced. So, when a character is hit, subtract their DEFENSE value from the DAMAGE.
Page 5
Powers can be used for half of a hero's [heart symbol] daily.
When a hero takes a hit, the weapon DAMAGE reduces their [heart symbol].
Any damage that reduces a hero's [heart symbol] to 0 is lethal. That hero will die unless the hero had a fairy in their pocket. Otherwise, the player should make another hero and introduce them as soon as possible.
Is it that magic costs half a heart (damages the hero) or that magic can only be used a number of times equal to half their heart value (ex. A four heart character can use magic twice per day)
Hi, Dilarus! Thanks for your post :)
It's actually the second: the number of times a hero can use spells daily is equal to half of its total hearts. So yeah, a hero with 4 hearts, can use 2 spells/day
Page 6
Create a Magic Relic. A weapon, armor, instrument, utility, or unusual treasure
Create 2 to 5 enemies to populate the dungeon
The entrance of the dungeon is locked by something related to the Theme. Usually something present in the Region
The Region around it is usually related to the Theme, and suffers some influence from the Dungeon and its Boss
Thanks a lot for that attention and care. I'll update the files ASAP!